Capture your GPS location with accuracyGet your speed and location dataApple Watch supportNo annoying ADSData are automatically sorted based on date/timeEven if you change your device, your data are automatically restored from your iCloud accountAll your location data are private. You can only see them or share them othersAutomatic backupsSave your fishing locationEdit their nameAdd catch ratingAdd notesShare a fishing location with a good friendUse the compass to go backUse your watch to navigate backData are synchronised on your devices
Capture your GPS location with accuracyGet your speed and location dataApple Watch supportNo annoying ADSData are automatically sorted based on date/timeEven if you change your device, your data are automatically restored from your iCloud accountAll your location data are private. You can only see them or share them othersAutomatic backupsSave your fishing locationEdit their nameAdd catch ratingAdd notesShare a fishing location with a good friendUse the compass to go backUse your watch to navigate backData are synchronised on your devices